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Register as a Democrat today!

We are the party that believes that cooperation is better than conflict; unity is better than division; empowerment is better than resentment; and bridges are better than walls.

Remember, we are working not just for one election. We are building a movement to make government at every level work for the people of Kansas and Riley County.

​To register, you must be a United States citizen, a resident of the State of Kansas, and have reached the age of 18 years before the next election.


A person wanting to vote must register no later than 21 days before Election Day.


Persons who will turn eighteen (18) years old during an election year may apply for registration as long as their application includes a statement that they will have reached the age of eighteen (18) years before the next statewide general election.


Remember that if you change your name or address, or wish to change your party affiliation, you must update your voter registration by completing a new voter registration application.

Register in Riley County

In order to register online or in person, you will need to have a valid driver's license or non-driver's identification card.

As a precaution, please do not register to vote on-line within 45 Days of an actual election- register using the paper form. 

Forms can be picked up in person at these locations:


County Clerk’s Office,

Riley County Office Building, 110 Courthouse Plaza, Manhattan, KS

Monday thru Friday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.


Kansas Drivers License Bureau

8200 South Port Dr, Ste 105, Manhattan, KS

Tuesday thru Friday 7:00 a.m. to 5:45 p.m.

Other registration outposts can be found throughout   Riley County for an up-to date list of all the locations download Voter Registration Outposts (pdf)

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