Protect the Veto 2024 campaign

In 2020, we had nearly 100 volunteers who mobilized for the Riley County Democratic Party for the General Election and we won the White House.
In August 2022, we rallied to protect women's rights to bodily autonomy and prevent the Kansas Constitution from being amended.
We successfully rejected the amendment and we re-elected Governor Laura Kelly.
We must protect our constitutional rights from further erosion.
We must continue the fight to ensure all Kansans are free to make private decisions about their own body without government interference.
We must campaign to elect Democrats up and down the ballot.
We need to mobilize well before elections and we need even more volunteers to mobilize in the last few weeks just before election day!
That can only happen with YOU
We need to educate voters.
We need to register new voters.
We need to take back our messaging and not let the other side define who we are.
​Can YOU help us?
​We need volunteers of all age groups to help in the following areas during all election cycles.
handwrite personalized messages during electoral campaigns
assist during our voter registration drives in early summer and fall;
assist in the preparation of events;
store and distribute lawn signs;
help us reach more voters with phone banks and text banks;
assist Precinct Committee Persons during the electoral campaigns up to voting days;​
Other volunteer needs
This summer and fall we also seek volunteers to help at community events
join one of our greeting teams at the RCDP booth County Fair (in July)
join one of our greeting teams at the RCDP booth at the Purple Power Play (in September)
help set up and organize events with Candidates
march in the KState Homecoming Parade
To volunteer to help with these events, please fill out the form below or email directly chair@rileycountydemocrats.org
​If there is more than one task you'd like to volunteer for, please submit a form for each task individually.